Thunder Bay Combat Club's Introduction to Pistol course is a fun event for those who want to shoot pistols and try something new! All shooting will be directly supervised, so NO license is necessary! Starting with a basic marksmanship safety class, we will cover all aspects of safe gun handling. Limited spots are available with a 1 to 1 instructor to student ratio. The class includes 50 rounds of .22 Long Rifle and 50 rounds of 9mm with additional ammo available for purchase. We will be offering the safety class which involves demonstrations on shooting fundamentals (such as grip and stance) as well as practical handling, then shooting indoors at Arnone's Shooting Range. The cost is $65 prepaid which includes ammunition. No equipment is needed as everything will be supplied. A $5 discount on membership fees will be offered to participants who join TBCC. Space is limited, however future dates and times are always being added to meet demand.

Anyone can participate, regardless of whether or not you have a Firearm License. There is no minimum age however all students must be mature enough (and strong enough) to safely handle firearms. Our CSSA certified Range Safety Officers have the final say on who will be allowed to shoot.
Introduction to Pistol courses are held on select Monday nights at Arnone's Shooting Range at 300 Water Street South (access off of Court Street, basement of GMK), from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Larger courses are held on select Saturdays if there are larger groups and enough demand.

All firearms and ammunition are included in the course. If you have your own eye and hearing protection feel free to bring it, however if you don't, both are provided. Extra ammunition is available at a cost of $10 per 50 rounds of .22 Long Rifle, and $25 per 50 rounds of 9mm, so bring some cash if you would like to shoot more. Avoid wearing low cut shirts as hot spent cases can possibly fall down your shirt and cause burns. Wear close-toed shoes for the same reason. A brimmed hat is also a good idea to stop the cases from getting behind your safety glasses.
Prepayment of $65 per person is required to guarantee your spot, and can be made by credit card online on Practiscore (or by contacting us if you need to pay by another method). Payment (or payment arrangements) MUST be made within 48 hours or else your spot will be released. You will be required to fill out a waiver and an emergency contact form.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all courses are on hold for the time being.
Please email if you have any further questions or would like to sign up.